We've been celebrating, painting, fixing, traveling, schooling, working, Halloweening, and LIVING! Life is good. Prepare yourself now for some adorable kiddos...these pics span the last two months. :)
First, in September we were greatly blessed to have my parents on hand to assist with some house repairs and painting. The kids thought it was great to have them here and even got to help with some of the repairs. Here's lil Caleb helping Pappy put a board back into the porch.
Later in the month, Caleb and lil Caleb were able to go up to a Michigan football game. They had SO much fun, and little Caleb is now quite the fan when it comes to watching games. He'll yell "go go go go ...touchdown!!" (even when it isn't the right team. oops!)The biggest event in the past couple months was the kids' first ever visit to the most magical place on earth. That's right, we braved Disneyworld with the three kids. My parents and Chris and Em were there as well, so we had PLENTY of hands and eyes to keep track of the kids.
We didn't tell the kids where we were going...all they knew was that on Friday night, we had the van packed and we were headed to the airport. Then when we got on the plane, I called my dad quick and he told lil Caleb that we were going to Florida to see them! After we arrived (late) that night, the kids were FINALLY told we were going to Disneyworld. I don't think it really hit them yet...they were just excited that when you turned on the TV there were 4 or 5 different channels ALL with Disney stuff on them. :)
They saw so many characters (some even during breakfasts) and they had a blast!! Oh, and if anyone looks a little warm in these pictures?? It's because while everyone up north was having COLD, COLD temps (even some with snow), it was RECORD heat in Florida. Yeah. HOT.AND.HUMID.
Leo from Little Einsteins kept pointing at all the red hair on the boys then back at himself. Then he pointed at big Caleb and said he needed to spike or curl up the front of his hair like he (Leo) had his. :) Made me laugh.
And I do believe lil Caleb might have his first crush. Miss June here, from Little Einsteins, came by our table, and lil Caleb ran around the table and just about plowed her over trying to get a hug. Yeah, nice job bud.
Dancing with some of the characters. Lil Caleb was SOOOO excited that he got to do the Hot Dog Dance even!
Watching the show outside of Cinderella's Castle.
Aiden tried to grab the controller from Pappy, but he wouldn't let him. :) Kidding of course...but Aiden did have fun riding some of the rides!
Abby's first driving lesson. Good thing there's a metal guide under the car.....
Lil Caleb even got his first driving lesson...again, good thing there was a metal guide....
We all had such a great time at Disneyworld!! Unfortunately, this was also the week of icky illnesses, but Abby is the only one that missed out on a partial day at Hollywood Studios and the rest of the sickness was after we left the parks. We also stayed in Orlando for a few days and spent time with my parents, and it was great to have some time away and spend it with family!
A couple weeks ago, my MOPS group took a tour of one of the local firehouses similar to last year. Once again the kids were able to climb up in the firetrucks and play to their hearts content (just don't press any buttons, they said). Aiden thought the hat was pretty cool, but a little heavy. :)
We actually remembered the camera this year, so we were able to get pics of ALL the kids with the helmet on.
Even my baby girl.
And finally, it was time for Halloween! The kids were VERY excited this year and kept asking if it was Saturday yet because they knew that Saturday meant Halloween!! Aiden went as Tigger this year...we kinda think he looks like Tigger...he's always bouncing in his seat and he has the red hair (of course). He looked pretty durn cute.
Lil Caleb wanted to be a skeleton this year, which I wasn't exactly fond of, but then I found this cute costume and decided to go with it. He loved it, but he didn't like the mask that went with it. I was fine with that...And Abby...my girl Abby. She was all set to be Tinkerbell this year (using a dress-up costume she had gotten for Christmas last year) until this week. She received her birthday gifts from Miss Marissa (and Kerry and Rich) and it was a dress-up Flappergirl dress with a box of shoes. She was in LOVE!! She's been wearing the shoes around the house all week, and that must have helped because she used the shoes both Friday night for Harvest Bash at church AND for trick-or-treating around the neighborhood and did just fine! (sadly, she walks better in heels than most grown women...)
This was at Harvest Bash at our church. One of the games was a mini-putt thingy, and she wanted to try it...I tried to help her a little, but the thing that made me laugh most about this picture was the sucker hanging out her mouth. Yes, I know it looks like a cigarette...what can I say, she was playing the part?? :) I promise...it was just a sucker. :)
Of course, the kids had to dance once they had their costumes on. They call her dress-up shoes her "dancing" shoes, so whenever they're on, the two must dance. :) Very cute!!
And finally, out trick-or-treating. Aiden only lasted for about 10 houses before he went home with Daddy. It was quite chilly on Halloween night, and we didn't want him to get sick.
As I said before, my life is FULL, and I wouldn't have it any other way.