Sunday, March 8, 2009

Adventures in Parenting

We have had some fabulous weather here the past week or so. Beautiful blue sky, sometimes a bit chilly still, but this weekend was definitely warmer! Spring is in the air (including tornado watches which we've been dealing with today. . .).

With the great weather, the kids have had some time to get outside and play on the bikes or just hang out. Here's Caleb working on riding his bicycle. Still needs a little work, but he's getting there! Aiden wanted to look like Daddy for the day so he's wearing his khaki's and polo shirt. :) I didn't get a picture of little Caleb, but he was wearing a polo shirt the same day and said, "I need to be tucked in like Daddy." We signed up Caleb for soccer this spring (starts next month). . .it'll be the first "real" activity he'll be in and we're not sure how he'll do. He and two of his little friends love to run around together (not just play, but physically run), but the other two are definitely more athletic at this point. One of the boys' mom told me the other day that every smart kid needs a dumb jock to protect him, so her son will be that for Caleb. Made me laugh. . .

So anyway, back to the soccer. We have an indoor sports facility right next door to our church (owned and operated by the church) and there is an indoor soccer field. On Thursdays, Caleb likes to take the kids over there because the soccer field is completely walled in, so he can just let the kids run back and forth to their hearts content. So, the other day he took the camera with to get some pictures.

Caleb, and the future soccer pose. . .
Caleb feeling a little happy.Abby taking a quick break from kicking the ball. . .Caleb attempting to take out Abby (full contact soccer. . .)But this is how Abby responds to that. "Take that big brother!" (Not really . . . not sure why he's laying there.)Abby almost caught in the act. . .she had taken a dry erase marker and wrote ALL OVER the refridgerator. Fortunately, dry erase marker comes off refridgerators easily.
Abby trying to pose for the camera. I would tell her to smile and she'd say cheese which would make her face look weird. . .this is one I caught mid-cheese so it doesn't look as bad.
Here's Abby and friend Joseph. I got the camera a minute too late as right before this they had both been sucking their thumbs and playing with their hair (opposite hands). Farmer Aiden. I only saved a SMALL handful of clothes from Caleb, but these overalls from Gran-pappy and GG were one of the items. The story behind the overalls is that when my family moved to Wisconsin (twenty years ago) my Pappy said that everyone is Wisconsin had to have a pair of Osh-Kosh B'Gosh. So he bought a pair for little Caleb when he was born. Now they fit Aiden!
Then one night Daddy decided to make pizzas with the kids. They stand on their chairs and did quite well!Of course, you cannot make pizza without taste testing as you go. Here's Abby. . .

And of course, Caleb had to try it too. :)
Spreading the sauce (a little out of order, sorry).

My most favorite story from the last few weeks was when little Caleb started talking to us in the van and proceeded to tell us basically the entire Resurrection story! It made me a little teary but I was quite impressed with what he was telling us. My prayer is that someday (sooner than later!) he truly understands what he was saying!! Oh, and he and Abby's favorite song is now "Mighty to Save." I LOVE to hear them sing!

That's all for now. . .we're headed to Georgia later this week to visit Gran-Pappy and GG along with Miss Kerry, Mr Rich and Miss Marissa. More pictures will surely follow!

1 comment:

The Kings said...

Love keeping up on your family this way. Thanks for the updates...I'm sure you have nothing better to do with three little ones!