The month of August FLEW by...I cannot believe it is already September! So much happened in the past month but I don't have pics for all of it. We started the month with a visit from Uncle Chris and Auntie Em. We actually hadn't seen them since Christmas (ack!) so it was SO nice to have them down and spend time with them. The kids had a blast and I think even Chris and Em survived. :) There was one day of NASTY thunderstorms literally all day, so they got to experience full meltdown mode during what was supposed to be naptime. It was a bit brutal, but everyone made it through....We also had a great visit to the Children's Museum (after the thunderstorms of course). Chris took some great pics at the museum, but I didn't get any with Chris and Em in them! So, nothing to share on here.......
Here's a random pic of the three muskateers watching the little dvd player. Even Aiden gets into it now. :)
The weekend after Chris and Em visited we decided to take the kids to the Indiana State Fair. We're only about 20-25 minutes from the fairgrounds and we thought we'd see what all was there...WOW there is A LOT to see! The first building we went into was the cow, wow, that was a lot of cows. :) Caleb and I both agreed that our kids would not be doing 4H once we walked in the building and saw all the cots set up next to the cows (along with microwaves, mini-fridges, etc). Yeah, here's hoping they choose a less smelly hobby. They had some baby cows that you could pet and little Caleb actually did! He's usually Mr Scaredycat but he went right in!
I like this looks like he's the "cow whisperer" or something. Ha ha!
The kids didn't do as well in the chicken or goat barns, so we didn't stay there long. There were two separate buildings for horses and we tried the draft horses, but they were transitioning new ones in that day and they hadn't arrived yet. :( Oh well. There was another area that had pony rides, so the kids both took a pony ride. Fortunately, neither one is asking for a pony yet (yet...).

There was A LOT more that I'm not mentioning, but we finished out the day with some rides. The kids' favorite was the race cars and they even got to ride in the Matt Kenseth #17 Dewalt car (with the USG on the front - yay!!). This ride just reminds me of riding the scrambler at the fair or at Great America with my Grammy...she loved to sit on the inside and then squish us while the ride was going. I think Abby takes after her Gigi! :)
Technically, we finished the day with an elephant ear on our way back out to the car. :) We ate it too fast to get a picture though.
The next in line was a short visit from my parents. My dad had a few extra days since he went in for his quarterly checkup and there were NO TUMORS!!! Praise the Lord!! So, since he didn't have to have them removed, he didn't have down time, and if you know my dad at all, you know he won't sit still for long. :) They were coming off their big trip out west, so they had t-shirts and presents for the kids. My favorite was this little pajama set for Aiden...he looks like he's ready to go rob a bank! Totally cracks me up!!!
Also while they were here, the kids wanted to make cookies with Grammy. It's a very special time for them...the Betty Crocker gene did not get passed to me--or it is still developing. :) But of course, it wouldn't be cookie making time without the kids eating the dough.
To add to the month of family time, a week later we had Grandma and Papa Worgess come to visit!! They hadn't been down to see our new house yet and we were so excited for them to come! We were also thrilled that Diane's health allowed her to travel to see us!
Caleb was able to get his dad to play Wii Bowling with him (much to the excitement of little Caleb) and I think Rick may have gone home with sore shoulders. :)
The best part was when little Caleb beat big Caleb in Wii Bowling but I didn't get a chance to move the picture onto the computer from my phone. It was funny to see though, let me tell ya!
Of course we weren't smart enough to get a picture with everyone, there is at least a picture of OUR family finally! The last family picture we have was from March of 2008 (yeah, before I was even aware I was pregnant with Aiden.....) so this is nice to have. :)
And finally, my little baby is growing up. Little Caleb started Pre-K this year. I still cannot believe he's 4 already!! He only goes to school three times a week for less than three hours a day, but he is soooooo enjoying himself! He was so excited to go that first day, and yes, I did cry! I keep asking if he's making new friends and he says yes, but he doesn't know their names. Great friend he is.... I'm so proud of him though and am excited to see everything he starts learning!
1 comment:
Hard to believe he can be old enough fro preschool! Morgan starts this year too and I am sure I will cry too!! The kids are adorable, Shelly!
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